Chapter 26, The New Frontier, is a group of professionals from all areas of business who take networking (but not ourselves) seriously. As one of our former members, Ellen Schweitzer, put it, “Our chapter has the energy and fun of a cocktail hour, but without the drinks and at 7am.” While we provide each other a lot of professional support and business, an added benefit of membership is creating referral partners and friendships all in one.


BNI Philosophy


The framework provided by the founder of BNI, Ivan Misner is a philosophy based on the law of reciprocity. We value giving business to others in our chapter over keeping our hands out to constantly ask for business. By thinking of others and giving referrals, others naturally learn more about you and are eager to pass business back. All of our members are thoroughly vetted by our Membership Committee and are all the real deal, so you can trust that if you have business to give, you will also gain by referring your client, colleague, family member, etc. to an impressive professional in Chapter 26!

Visit our Manhattan BNI Chapter and see how you can build your business through word of mouth referrals.

photography by: Alexander Kusak Photography

website by: Rebuild Girl